Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011!

The holidays are now over and I love the thought of a new year! I'm organizing my life and that includes my blog. So welcome! Please bear with me as I try to figure out the best way to format my blog.

With the new year there is also a list of list is little long this year. I feel more adventurous than the years before. I won't list all of them on here. Here is a few:

1. Be more healthy. High cholesterol runs in my family. Recently I got mine checked and yours truly has high cholesterol. I already dusted the juicer and it is out on the counter now. While I am typing I am eating my breakfast of oat bran.

2. Finish decorating my bedroom (meaning painting, enlisting E to help me make a new headboard etc)

3. I want to make more time for myself, this one is hard and challenging.

There's a lot more, but I won't bore you guys.

On the garden front: All this rain hasn't been good for some of my plants. I am wondering if the tulips I planted will be okay.

I received these succulents from my friend L. I love them!

After 3 years, I finally have lemons! If you don't have a lot of space like me, I have a improved meyer lemon tree which is great for containers.

Day Trip:

We decided to venture South on one of E's day off. We met up with some friends in San Diego.
Have you been to Hash House a go go? The line was long and the food was abundant!

My Daughter being silly. She kept wanting us to take pictures of her jumping in the air.

It was so cold that day! Daughter is such a daddy's girl.

M & M who are expecting their first child in early Feb.

We were so full from brunch that we weren't that hungry for dinner. We decided to grab some tapas at Prep Kitchen.

Starting and ending the day with good food. Yummm!

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